Big Bucks,
No Whammies

IF YOU:   


Known Fuckups:

Simple reprocessing:

Ruff n' Ready (all episodes) - logo, aspect

Col Bleep (all episodes) - aspect

Space Angel (all episodes) - aspect, metadata

Crusader Rabbit 1951 (all episodes)  - metadata (episode numbers), also too loud? maybe -5

Fritz und Fratz (all episodes) - aspect

Ze Worm Whsperer 2015 - broken & misspelled metadata

Love You Micheal Bluejay 2015 - broken metadata

Wizard of Oz - the poet 1961 - quiet

is my palm read 1933 - aspect (intro)

Cap'n Cub 1945 - still too quiet

The Merry Old Sou 1933 - metadata

harebrained barbers 1965 - cut live-action

what ho she bumps 1937 - label as advert

why we have elections 1972 - loud (-5 or -10)

polar pals 1931 - aspect

how a mosquito operates 1912 - aspect

tokyo woes 1945 - metadata (labelled "propaanda" not "propaganda")

nutrition 1943 - loud (-5)

Six Little Jungle Boys 1945 - quiet

puddle pranks 1930 - aspect (intro & end card)

red-headed baby 1931 - aspect (intro)

let's go 1937 - aspect

buddy's beer garden 1933 - aspect (intro)

indian whoopee 1933 - aspect

sassy cats 1933 - aspect

holiday land 1934 - aspect

the first circus 1921 - aspect

snowtime 1938 - aspect

Wizard of Oz 1961 (unk episode) - metadata just says "wizard of oz"

a fitting gift 1920 - strip sound

cookie carnival 1925 - metadata (should be 1935)

novelty shop 1936 - aspect, better source

runaway blackie 1933 - aspect

big-hearted bosko 1932 - aspect

southern fried rabbit 1953 - aspect

am to pm 1933 - aspect

making friends 1935 - aspect

chicken jitters 1939 - aspect

popeye the sailor with betty boop 1933 - apsect

sycamore lodge 1961 - multiple live-action adverts

PM Picninc 1950 - not labeled advert

Attention! Wolves! 1970 - cut live action

doughnuts 1933 - aspect

Barking dogs 1933 - aspect

tulips shall grow 1942 - aspect

bosko and honey 1932 - aspect

college capers 1931 - aspect

cravy inventions 1933 - aspect

le voyage dans la lune 1902 - aspect, shorten band credits

tusalava 1929 - strip sound

Nimbus Librere (1944) - aspect

These require better sources: